The Protein Man's Blog | A Discussion of Protein Research

The Role of Cell Viability Studies in Modern Drug Development

The Importance (and Implications) of Optogenetics

Metabolic Enzymes Research: 3 Emerging Fields that Will Shape the Future

What should we consider when selecting a protein extraction buffer?

Affinity Chromatography and its use in Antibody Purification

Thiopropyl Resin for the purification of thiol group containing proteins

How Alamar Blue Helps Unlock the Secrets of Cell Health

Magnetic Beads and its Uses

What Is Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography?

How to Choose the Right Plasmid Vector

Different Types of Ribozymes

Assessing Nucleic Acid Purity Via Absorption Spectroscopy

lincRNA: Long, Non-Coding RNA from Between the Genes

Assessing Nucleic Acid Purity Via Absorption Spectroscopy


DNA Ladders

Understanding the Cell Cycle

Ion Exchange Chromatography Resins and Methods

The Future of mRNA Vaccines

Affinity Purification Resins and Methods

What Are Monoclonal Antibodies, and How Are They Made?

Epigenetics and Personalized Medicine

ELISA Principles: Explained

The Basics of DNA Extraction

Protein Purification

Types and Grades of Water Used in Research and Industrial Application

Biocides And Their Many Applications

Western Blotting: Stripping and Re-probing – Saving Your Time & Resources

Different Types of 3D Cell Cultures

DNA and mRNA Vaccines: A Side-by-Side Comparison

Telomeres, Telomerase and Cancer

A Closer Look at Lipid Rafts

Advances in Synthetic Biology

Revisiting the ACE2 Receptor

Protein Quantitation in the Presence of Reducing Agents and Detergents with UPPA™

How Bioremediation Can Tackle Pollution

Fluorescent vs. Scanning Electron Microscopy

Advances in Immuno-Oncology

How to visualize proteins after electrophoresis

How to Set Up a Biotechnology Training Lab

Overcoming the Immune Response to Xenotransplantation

The Endoplasmic Reticulum

Solution Preparation: The Gatekeeper for Working in a Bioscience Research Lab

Make Biology the Recruiting Ground for Biotechnology Courses

Surviving the Chill: Tips and Tricks for Freezing Cells

Revisiting Eukaryotic RNA Processing

Patient-Derived Xenografts (PDX) and Drug Discovery

The Use of Scanning Electron Microscopy in Bioscience

Why Ribosomal RNA is Key to Drug Resistance

Lets Talk About Inclusion Bodies

All about Proteinase K

The Importance of BACs in Genome Sequencing (and Why They've Replaced YACs)

ApoE4 and Alzheimer's Disease

Mitochondria, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), and Their Effect on the Body

Detergents and Proteins, a Refresher

Post-translational Control of protein abundance in mammalian cells using a tunable destabilizing domain from E. coli

Parkinson's and a potential cure

The Role of the Toll (like receptor)

Is Anyone Still Using ZFN's?

Guardian of the Genome

Back to Basics: Western Blot 101

His-tagged protein expressing but not binding your Ni-NTA column?

COVID19 Vaccines are Coming!

Thiopropyl Resin in the Spotlight

The era of messenger RNA vaccines

Examining the Fluorescent Protease Protection Assay

Flow Cytometry and it's Role in Understanding Cancer

Revisiting Apoptosis

On and Off Column Protein Affinity Tag Removal

Transport tunnels in enzymes: a novel avenue for protein engineering to improve or modify the catalytic function

Essentials of Quantitative Western Blotting: Measure What Matters

The Immune System and Vaccines: A Primer

Why Are You Scratching My Brain?  Rapid, Extraction Free SARS CoV-2 Testing from Saliva

How Chaperone-Assisted Protein Folding Works

The Amazing Origins of Antibody Diversity

How to Prepare Samples for Western Blot Analysis

The era of messenger RNA vaccines

Guess what??? Immobilized Papain Generates Fab Fragments of Cluster A Monoclonal Antibodies for Validation of Inner Domain of HIV-1 gp120?

What is the Link between Protein Folding and Prion Disease?

Exploring the Genetic Causes of ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)

Fluorescence detection of proteins in Western blotting

Cells of the Immune System

How the cilium became a ‘villain’ in Apicomplexan parasites?

Molecular Beacon: Dual Labelled Probes

Subcellular Fractionation: ‘Exploring cells through centrifugation'

Exposure to Intestinal microbes in early life can influence development of thymic lymphocytes : A review of current literature

Antibody Basics Revisited (Do’s and Don’ts of Antibody Handling)

The Use of Spectral Scanning in Nucleic Acid Purity Assessment

CAR T-Cells, a New Solid Tumor Therapy Breakthrough?

Spotting Fragmentation Patterns When Using Mass Spectrometry

How to Calculate Protein Concentration Using The Bradford Assay

The Importance (and Implications) of Optogenetics

What's the Difference Between lncRNA and lincRNA?

CRISPR, ZFNs, TALENs: Differences Between Bioengineering Technologies

Antibody Purification by Affinity Chromatography

How the ACE2 Receptor Enables SARS and COVID-19

Why Do I Need a Cocktail for Proteases and Phosphatases?

LDH Cytotoxicity Assay FAQs

What should you consider when selecting a protein extraction buffer?

Plasmid Isolation: Overcoming the Challenges for Isolating Plasmid DNA

Taq Polymerase is Preferred Enzyme for Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

The Role of Tween 80 in Protein Solubilization and Stabilization

Blocking Buffer Selection Guide: Tips for Selecting the Best Blocking Agent

Tips for Using Ni-NTA Resin

Why RIPA is for More Than Just Radioimmunoprecipitation Assays

Trypsin & Its Role in Protein Analysis

Capture and purification of low abundance proteins

How to Get Accurate Results with Affinity Purification and Affinity Chromatography

How to Prepare Samples for Western Blot Analysis | G-Biosciences

What’s the Difference Between Tween 20 and Tween 80? | G-Biosciences

The Role of LDH in Cellular Cytotoxicity

Bradford Assay for Protein Concentration | G-Biosciences

Purify Proteins Fast: How FPLC Speeds the Process

The Benefits of a Protease Inhibitor Cocktail

Protein palmitoylation and sulfhydryl chemistry methods to capture palmitoylated proteins

Complete Protease Inhibitor Cocktails and How They Work

The Difference Between the BCA and Bradford Protein Assays

Protein Kinases and Phosphatases: drivers of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation

Protein phosphorylation: Nature’s favorite way of decorating proteins

Click chemistry and its application to proteomics

Why Is Bovine Serum the Preferred Standard for Protein Assays?

How to Select the Best Protein Assay

DNFB-Sanger’s reagent for detection of free amino acids

How to Iodinate Proteins with Iodo-Gen®

Hot Start PCR: An Overview

Use of Chaperones in Recombinant Protein Expression

Using Western Transfer for Protein Detection: Some Commonly Used Methods

The Basics of Genomic DNA Extraction

Iodination of Proteins with Bolton-Hunter Reagent

Multiplex PCR, Benefits over traditional PCR

Best Methods to Stain Proteins After Protein Electrophoresis

Dyes, Ions, or Fluorescent Stains: What Are the Best Ways to Visualize Protein In Gels?

Best Ways to Remove Detergents in Protein Samples

Different Types of Extraction Buffers and When to Use Them

Preventing Carbamylation When Using Urea as a Protein Solubilization Buffer

8 Factors to Consider when Selecting a Protein Cross-linker

BCA or Bradford Protein Assay: Choosing Between the Two

Four Methods for Endosomal Isolation

Molecular Beacons: Dual Labeled Probes

Mycoplasma Contamination in Cell Cultures: Detection & Prevention

Antibody Selection for Immunohistochemistry

Protein Purification with IMAC

A Guide to Sample Preparation for Immunofluorescence

Detection of Apoptosis by TUNEL Assay

Luciferase Reporter Assays: An Overview

Protein Estimation Methods

Host Cell Protein Analysis: Detection in Biotherapeutics

Tips for Preventing Protein Aggregation & Loss of Protein Solubility

How to set up a teaching biotech lab

How to Lyse Bacterial Cells

Why Start a High School Biotech Course?

A Quick Guide to Choosing Fluorescent Dyes for Protein Labeling

Biotech Education: Good for Students, Teachers & All


Three most common ELISA Challenges

The Most Basic Biotech Lab Equipment, Materials & Necessities

Physical Disruption or Chemical Cell Lysis? How to Decide

Organic Solvent Extraction of Proteins

Specificity of Immunostaining methods: How to choose a control?

Sample preparation for Mass spectrometric analysis

Blue Native Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis: A simple tool for characterization of Protein Complexes

Strategies to stabilize aggregate-prone proteins in E.coli

Tips for Selecting Carrier Proteins

Role of additives in cell lysis

A Quick Overview of Phenol Extraction

Microfluidic 3D cultures: An advanced tool to study the cultures at a single-cell level

Tris Tricine SDS PAGE: What is it and how to PERFORM it?

Contract Manufacturing Solutions for Biotech & Life Sciences

cGMP: What is it and what are the benefits?

Detergent Screening For Membrane Protein Extraction: What To Choose?

Ride the GeneCAPSULE & Explore Our Story!

Membrane Protein Extraction: The Basics

A Tutorial for 3D Cell Culture System: Bridging the Gap between in-vitro and in-vivo cultures

Molecular diagnostics- Lateral flow assay

A guide to in-vitro cultures: which matrix to be considered

Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP)

Genome-wide Ribosome footprint profiling

An Overview of Histology Fixatives

Why teach biotechnology in schools?

Methods of Determining Protein Stability

The Advantages of Using Trypsin for Mass Spectrometry

Antibody Labeling: Which Method Should You Use?

Protein Tags: How to Choose?

8 Techniques to Clone A Gene: Which Method is THe BEst FOr You?

Post Translational Modifications: what expression system to choose?

The Advantages of Biotinylation Tagging in Protein Purification

The Basics of Affinity Purification/Affinity Chromatography

Restriction Enzyme Analysis: How to Make the Cut

Proteomic Grade Detergents: Why you should use them

Exosome isolation by centrifugation, filtration, immunoaffinity & more

Multiplex Immunohistochemistry

Protein Solubility & Refolding Active Proteins from Inclusion Bodies

The Sandwich ELISA: Process and Practical Applications

How to Improve Spot Resolution During 2D-Electrophoresis

Recombinant Protein Expression Systems: Pros & Cons

Cold-Shock Keeps Recombinant Proteins out of Inclusion Bodies

BONCAT (Bioorthogonal Non-canonical Amino Acid Tagging): a method to define the translatome

Basics of Using Cytology for Cancer Testing

SILAC: A General Workflow for Improved Mass Spectrometry

SILAC for Improved Mass Spectrometry & Quantitative Proteomics

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