The Protein Man's Blog | A Discussion of Protein Research

Special Considerations When Extracting Plant Proteins

Posted by The Protein Man on Jun 17, 2014 10:01:00 AM

There is simply no other way around it. You need to break down the walls (the cell wall, that is) to extract the good stuff. While you can easily accomplish this task when extracting proteins from mammalian cells (they have no cell walls to begin with), it can be more difficult when you are working with plants, yeast, bacteria, fungi and Archaea. These organisms have rigid cell walls that protect the basic cell structure against destructive mechanical forces.

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Topics: Protein Extraction

8 Protein Tags Explained

Posted by The Protein Man on Jun 10, 2014 10:00:00 AM
Basically, protein tags are peptide sequences that are attached to proteins to facilitate easy detection and purification of expressed proteins. In addition, they can also be used to identify potential binding partners for your protein of interest.
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Topics: Protein Purification

Dialysis in Protein Research: Understanding the Basics

Posted by The Protein Man on May 28, 2014 5:00:00 AM


How dialysis is used in protein research?  

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Topics: Protein Concentration

How to clean the sinter of a Büchner flask?

Posted by The Protein Man on May 22, 2014 2:27:00 PM

Are the sinters of frits of your funnels and glassware blocked? Is the flow-through extremely slow or retarded?

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